Franz Hopper's diary is a Program you can obtain to learn about the lore of the world of MRCL along with details on how Lyoko functions. You can also obtain Knowledge from certain entries.
Some parts are currently redacted, but everything will be uncovered in the future.
To obtain the encrypted CD, you will have to explore Earth.
An old abandoned house away from everything. It has been empty for more than a decade.
In there, you will be able to find Mr. Pück, containing a mysterious key.
Once you have found the key, it is time to finally obtain the CD.
You must find the correct locker to open. (Note that holding the key in your hand will highlight the correct locker!)
Once the CD is inserted in a terminal, you will notice that only six entries are available while all the others are encrypted.
These six entries are reports explaining how the Supercomputer, Lyoko and XANA function. You can obtain knowledge by reading them.
To decrypt the diary, you must activate a Tower using Energy. You can do this from within the tower or from Earth using the Remote Tower Control program. Do not forget to click the padlock in the program to obtain the knowledge to launch the decryption!
Once the tower has been activated and the decryption has been launched, XANA will attempt to take over the tower. It will also summon Megatanks to defend it.
If XANA is successful, it will begin breaking into the restricted parts of the supercomputer. If the tower is not deactivated in time, the entire server will suffer a game over.
To defend the tower from XANA, you will have to safeguard it using energy. You can obtain the knowledge for this action by interacting with the takeover process or by being near the tower when XANA starts taking it over.
Once the decryption reaches 100%, everyone near the tower and those that have contributed to defending it from Earth will obtain the knowledge to decrypt an unlimited amount of CDs.
If an encrypted CD was inserted inside the supercomputer, it will also automatically be decrypted.
All the entries of a decrypted CD can be read.
Franz Hopper will also take over the tower, but XANA will try to destroy it. You are free to leave it, as the tower is no longer doing anything.