The grid on the left contains different information:
The top-left represents the warrior's current faction (can only be Lyoko for now)
The top-right represents the warrior's current location (Sector/Network).
The bottom-left represents if the warrior is inside a tower. It will be empty if false but will show a green OK icon if true.
The bottom-right represents if the warrior is safe from the digital sea. It will display a warning icon if false but will show a green OK icon if true. In addition, a yellow anomaly window will appear if the warrior is starting to fall while their card is open.
The actions window while the warrior is inside Sector Five.
Right-clicking the right part of the window will open the Virtual Map and make it focus on the warrior. However, doing it on the left part will open a new window containing different possible actions:
If the virtual location is unknown, its icon on the grid will instead display the Earth. This should however be impossible to see during normal gameplay.