The Core Status program is used to check the health and safety of Lyoko's Core in Sector Five.
If Lyoko is destroyed, this program will become unavailable.
Note that certain Software Attacks will make the Core weaker.
This program is available in the laptop and Lyoko's terminal.
Right-clicking the program will send you a message in the chat telling you whether the Core is safe or under attack and how much health each shield has. If the Core is under attack, you will also see a count of how many Monsters are present in the Core chamber. Note that xanafied warriors are also counted in there.
All of the information the program provides is on the small window on the right.
The green bars represent the health of the Core.
The big bar under the Core icon displays the full Core health, representing the health of both shields and the heart.
The three other bars under it represent the individual health of each shield and the heart.
The Core icon on the small window represents the safety of the Core.
If the icon has a red warning above it, monsters are present inside the Core chamber and are attacking it. Otherwise, it is safe.
When a shield is destroyed while the program is open, a red anomaly will appear to notify you.
If the Core is fully destroyed, the program will automatically close and will not be able to opened until at least Sector Five is rebuilt using the Sector Builder.