Upon virtualizing on Lyoko with the Geisha Class, you'll be equipped with two tessens.
The tessens work like boomerangs and will come back to your inventory depending on how far you've thrown them. You will however be defenseless during the time the tessens are still on their way back to you.
Tessens also deal damage to entities while coming back.
The Geisha player, like every other class, gets to defend themselves using their tessens.
To activate the Shield, simply press F while having your tessens equipped.
Only one tessen is necessary to use the shield, which means the other one can still be thrown right before defending yourself. This comes with a cost, as defending with only one tessen gives you a chance of the shield failing.
Dropping one of your tessens will allow you to use Tessen Target mode.
Once you do, you will have to select your target. It can be either a player or a monster.
The selected entity will be targeted by both tessens from the Geisha, allowing a guaranteed shot and a lot of damage, which can be useful against a fast enemy.
Shifting + Left Clicking twice will allow you to enter Telekinesis mode. Telekinesis applies to both Entities and Objects. You can select which category you want to levitate with the scroll of your mouse.
You can select the distance of Telekinesis by Scrolling with your mouse. Scrolling away will make the entity / object levitate very far, and scrolling towards you will bring the levitated entity / object closer to you.
Using Telekinesis makes you very slow. You will also stop levitating a target if you receive any kind of damage. You also can't levitate yourself.